Sunday, February 22, 2009

So here's what I know about my Husband! I think I might know him all too well!

1. He's sitting in front of the T.V., what on? Some Documentary show about who knows what!
2. Your out to eat, what kind of salad dressing does he order? Italian all the time!
3. What's the one food he dislikes? It would be anything made with Cream Cheese!
4. Your out to eat, what does he order to drink? It use to be Mt. Dew, but now it is water or sometimes we splurge and get a Rasp. Lemonade!
5. Where did he go to High School? Dear Old DAVIS HIGH!!!
6. What shoe size does he wear? 9 1/2-10
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Well if you know my would have to be GUNS!
8. What is his favorite type of sandwitch? I would have to say the Meatball sub from Subway!
9. What would he eat everyday if he could? I would have to say....Burn't almond fudge ice cream (his favorite)!
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted mini wheats! (these would be Blake's favorite also!)
11. What would be never wear? A pink shirt/tie!
12. What is his favorite sports team? He really doesn't get into sports, but it use to be Green Bay Packers when he was in H.S.!
13. Who did he vote for? We all should know this one, since my hubby is so liberal!
14. Who is his best friend? I would have to say me...of course! But it would also have to be Brady (my cousin), Dale (from work) and Colby from H.S.!
15. What is something you do that he wishes you don't do? Probably give him a hard time about loosing weight!
16. What is his Heritage? You know....I really quite don't know!
17. You bake him a cake for his Birthday, what would it be? Well since he doesn't like the ones i bake him, he always asks his mom to make him a real German Choc. Cake from scratch with homemade frosting with coconut in it!
18. Did he play any sports in H.S? NO he didn't!
19. What would he spend hours doing? Probably hunting anything and everything all day long! Anything he can's all good to him!
20. What is one unique talent that he has? He knows how to fix things like cars, and household jobs! It's really nice to have someone who knows what they are doing!

I love you babe! Your the best thing that I have! Thanks for being a wonderful Husband!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That was fun to read! I think it's so funny he doesn't like cream cheese!