Sunday, October 5, 2008


So the other day (about a week ago) I was having a bad day/bad week and I was very temperamental and annoyed and irritated, so after I had just gotten back from the store by doorbell rang and it took me a min to get it, but after opening it, there were flowers on my doorstep to my surprise. Now, who would give ME flowers? They are very beautiful and it was very thoughtful for the person who gave them to me....or maybe the person got the wrong home?! who knows! I asked everyone I could have imagined who would give them to me and know one would confess, so I want to thank whoever gave them to me, because it made me happy and they were lovely! Also thanks for the note because it is very true and very nice!!


Kristi said...

That is wonderful!! What a kind thing someone thought of to do for you during a burdensome time. I thought I'd let you know of a website that will help you out in learning how to fix your blog:
This website gives great instructions on creating your own blog designs. If you have questions, let me know, I'll help ya out. Good luck!!

Suzanne said...

Have you found out who gave them to you, yet? Do you think SOMEONE was at the door originally? BUT, they left before you could answer? I guess you could've asked them! Anyway, that's awesome! I LOVE surprises like that!