Sunday, July 29, 2012

Marissa's Style

Marissa is into wearing Leotards and dressing up.  She changes at least 4-5 times a day and it drives me crazy....(I know mom....don't comment)!  even her clothes, she is so picky about what she wears and how she wears it!  The child drives me crazy.  Here is a picture of here on blake's Birthday with his friends in her Leotard and somekind of witch hat!    The other day she was dressed as a kitty with kitten ears and her kitten tail tucked into the back of her pants hanging out.  U know how embarrassing it is going to the store with a child like that?!  Oh well, pick your battles I guess. 
This girl....she is eating so much better, but is picky about her clothes and everything else and how things are done.....her and I butt heads all the time!!  Tony and her.....get a long great!!!  Oh well, it's all part of growing up and her learning her way's I guess!


Kristi said...

So many new posts! Wow, I was behind on checking your blog! Fun to read all about Blake's birthday and the fun things you have been doing as a family - camping, lamb days, fourth of july festivities, etc. We are excited to see you all in NY in a few days!!

Me said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog! Your kids are so cute!! And I totally understand about the changing 4-5 times a day, that is my girls… and my 6-year-old is way into leotards too lately, I think it's the gymnastics on TV. I have gone to the store with my kids dressed embarrassing too!!!

Trever and Heather said...

Just wondering if you have a sister or cousin or something who has two little girls named Emma and Grace (that they call G.G.)? Emma is in Jade's gymnastics class so I keep seeing the mom- and she looks just like a blond version of you!