Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Birthday!

We had Birthday Party for Grandma Voniell, Julie and Annie. It was fun to all be together! Thanks everyone for all the Birthday stuff. Only 1 more year till I am 30....and I am not looking forward to it. I never thought that I would be 30 this soon. Time Flys once you are out of High School and now I am a mom doing all the mom stuff and learning new things every day! It's fun!! (though it can be a little stressful at times and overwhelming at times!) But all in all....I love being a stay at home mom and being with my kids! I can't imagine sending them off to a daycare everyday! I give it to those moms who do that! You are strong Women, but you do what you have to do!!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

This is really late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You don't even seem close to 30! Time does fly!