Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a "Thanks" to Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to share with everyone how much I appreciate everyone (aka: friends, neighbors, family...) and that you all mean so much to us and have done so much to help us! I also want to tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him for all of his hard work with work and at home. He is a wonderful father and husband who plays with his kids and plays with Blake and teaches him soooooo much. He helps me to strive to be a better wife and mother. I know I am not the best at being a wife or mother and I am OCD on my house, but I want to tell him "THANK YOU" for putting up with me and helping me to strive to be better. My kids are wonderful and I am greatful each day that I can stay at home with them and watch them grow and learn with them and watch them learn new things! They are fun and I love being with them. It is hard at times because we all need our sanity and talk to an adult every so often, but I am glad that they don't go to a babysitter and I get to stay at home with them. We are blessed to have wonderful family so close by and wonderful neighbors whom I have loved to go walking with and talk with! So, I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL "THANKSGIVING" and remember all that we are thankful for and try to help others this next year and put forth our willing spirit to be there for others and better ourselves! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!


the laytons. said...

and we are thankful for you and your family!

InspirednTired said...

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to you and your family! We love you guys!