Friday, March 16, 2012

Marissa Star of the Week!

Marissa was chosen to be STAR of the week!! that means she gets to help Teacher do things. Be line leader and whatever else!  We made this poster about her so her teacher hangs it up for a week.  She sent home a paper that is a "get to know U", and they tell about Marissa!  She was excited, so I thought that I would share her "CUTE" Poster that I made....(yes, spur of the moment...because mom forgot!)  But we got it done and it turned out cute!!
Few things about Marissa:
She loves Kindergarten and makes new friends easily!, she love to eat Chinese Food (especially chinese chicken...aka: sweet and sour chicken!), her favorite color is pink.  Sh always tells me she wants a new pet anything everyday....(dog, lizard, cat, rabbit....she wants them all!),  She has Blonde hair and blue eyes!  She has already lost 3-4 teeth I believe.  She is still only about 34-35lbs but is growing taller.  She is still skinny as ever and I have a hard time finding her pants that will look cute on her and that she will actually wear!  She is finicky about her shoes, hair, clothes....(kinda reminds me of ME)! and it drives me crazy!!! But she is sweet and fun and loves to cuddle with her daddy on the couch!!
we love YOU Marissa and are glad that you are in our family!!!

Her's so funny because she has missing teeth!!  Cute girl I have!!!

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