Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blake.....growing up!

So, now that Blake will be 5 next week, Tony believes it is a big milestone in his life. Up to this point I have taken Fruit snacks for my kids to eat after the sacrament because our church starts at 2:00. and I have also let him take some of his cars or action figures to keep him busy. Tony on Sunday talked to Blake about it and Blake got all mad and stormed out of the room all mad and frustrated because he thought it was a punishment and didn't quite understand. After a while after he calmed down, Tony was then able to talk to Blake that he is growing up and being 5 is a big deal and that he ready to start listening and trying to understand what is being said and start feeling the spirit! I told him he can still take some paper and crayons to draw a church picture with and I will have some church books (by the way, where do you get some church books for your kids?)that they can look at! Blake has a tender heart and gets his feelings hurt, and you have to be careful they way you say things to him and some about it! Tony does a great job with him in teaching him! He does a whole lot better than me! I just get frustrated with the whole thing and then i usually get mad and raise my voice (which is not good)! Blake is learning and he is an excellent kid and try to do what is right and is good and obedient! I love my little boy to death! I am glad he is on our family and he is a good older brother to his 2 sisters! We love Blake!

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