Tuesday, June 30, 2009

nothing much going on....

I have been working a few extra shifts in pediatrics, going to swim lessons with my kids, playing with them. Tony has been working hard with his job. he is still very busy with what he does. He has a few more trips that he will be going on in the next couple of months. He still has time to go hunting, camping and golfing though! We are seeing and hearing less of the SWINE FLU in our office, but it is still out there and you can still get it. I just tell my patients to stay away from sick people and wash your hands constantly and keep your house clean and sanitized, and that is the best you can do! I am sure that I have been contaminated with it and so has my husband, but we are still very healthy and so are our kids!
Swimming lessons is almost over. My kids have really enjoyed it. Blake is in a Pre-school 2 class and has learned to go under water and do a bunch of things! He is amazing and a real natural with it! Marissa is loving it. On her 2nd day, she was holding onto the side and I guess let go and went under the water and she told me how scary it was for the rest of the day. "mom, i go under water, and it was scary". I felt bad for her cause I wanted her to have a good experience and not be afraid of the water, but the next day she went right in and she has been fine ever since! Jaci, I do a mommy and me class with her and her favorite part is jumping off the side of the pool and jumping into me. She also likes to do all the songs that we do! Today her favorite was kicking her legs and arms, she thought it was great fun!! She is learning a little.
A couple of nights ago we had a campfire in my grandparents back yard and had a neighbor come over with their cute kids. We roasted hot dogs and s'mores and the kids played while us adults talked! It was fun!
Other than that.....On the 4th we will go to the Kaysville Parade (the greatest one of all, with candy and a waterfight in the end), with going to my grandma's sisters house to swim and have hot dogs and hamburgers, then we will go with tony's family to see the fireworks at DHS!!! Hopefully this year will be better than last!! Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks like you have been keepin busy! I am excited for the 4th! It will be fun!