Friday, June 8, 2012

Blake and Baseball!

These last few months, Blake has done baseball once again.  If we stayed in Farmington, he would have done Machine Pitch, but since we moved to Layton he played another year of Coach Pitch.  He and 2 others were the only 2nd graders. The rest on his team were 1st graders and 1 kindergartner.  They actually did well.  It was fun watching them play. Blake by far was probably the best on his team.....(but I may be biased)!  Our neighbor was his coach.  They actually called us up one day and asked if we were going to sign blake up and asked if they could request Blake to be on their team!  It's actually nice to have someone ask if Blake could be on their team!  He played in all the games, except for their 2nd to last.  It was rainy that day and he was getting over Hand, Foot and Mouth Virus!!  Blake loves Playing baseball and I am so grateful for that!  I would much rather be a baseball mom than a soccer mom or a Football mom!  I loved watching my brother play, so it is fun to see Blake play and watch him advance and learn!    Way to go Blake!  We love you!!!
(sorry I don't have any pictures)!  Some are on my phone!!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So fun! I hope Kayden likes baseball too :)