Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tell me what YOU think......

So I was talking to a gal that I work with one night while I was working. we were talking about kids and how we want to keep them safe from all these things going on in this world. Now this gal is quite older than me and could easily be my grandma......she is not Mormon at all, but she is a very nice lady. Anyway.....we talk to our kids about How harmful Drugs are and not to have sex and to buckle up while in the car and not Drink and Drive......but what if your child wants to do one of these things? Will you still love them? Will you kick them out? Will you dis own them...? What would you do? I sat there thinking for a min...and the gal told me: What if we just be more strict on on Children and tell them to be safe if they want to do one of these things. I will still LOVE YOU, but I want you to RETURN home in SAFETY. I care too much for my kids and I don't want them to do wrong and bad things, but if they choose to, I would like to know about it and would want them to come home safely and be called up to have someone tell me that my child is dead because of something. If they want to have sex, use a condom. If they want to drink....sure but they will be in trouble, but call someone to come and get you instead of driving yourself. I would much rather have my child tell me what they are doing and want to do instead of having them dead somewhere that I don't know about.

I want to be a parent where my kids can come and talk to me anytime. and they can tell me anything and not feel embarrassed or dumb. I want to know about my child's life. But I also want them to understand the consequences about their decision. If they choose to do something wrong, I want to to know it and hopefully they can change their lives and live life to the fullest instead of being dead somewhere!! I love my children way toooo much to have them die. They are mine and I will always love them no matter what!!

Let me know what you think as a parent and what is important to you!!!

1 comment:

the laytons. said...

Yay for CPR! We are life savers anne! :) ha ha About your post.. of course we will always always LOVE our children no matter what they do. We just don't have to love their decisions. My plan is just to teach them the bestest i can and hope they know right from wrong when they need to make the decisions. Love you!