Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fun websites

Here are just a few websites/blogs that have way too cute of things on them!

This one here is one that my neighbor just started. She is very talented and has 3 cute, adorable boys!


This one is in etsy.com. My sister who lives in NY, makes some fun things and sells them on etsy. She is also very crafty and enjoys crafty stuff that keep her busy since she is away from family.

www.etsy.com (sugarplummommy)

This blog, is one by my adorable cousin. She designs announcements, cards, anything. She is very talented and has very cute designs.


This blog, is by my Sister N Law who lives in Penns. She is AMAZING at taking Pictures and she edits them so wonderfully well. She has worked at many different Photography Places and has learned so much and has taken classes to help her edit better!

www.forever-photogtaphy.blogspot.com or

**Check out these websites if you are interested!! They are fun and quite AMAZING people!! Enjoy and have a WONDERFUL Christmas Season!

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