Saturday, October 17, 2009

H1N1 Vaccination!

So today, since the had the H1N1 Clinic at the Bntfl. Regional Cntr. I decided to take my kids there and get them vaccinated. It was very busy and many, many people already there at 9:30 when I got there. I was at the back of the line and it wrapped around the building and then by about 1/2 it wrapped around the building again! It was crazy. I knew it would be crazy and a lot of people there, but I really didn't imagine that many people. Oh Well. My kids are vaccinated now, so I am happy!! They did the mist on Blake and Marissa and the shot on Jaci. I did't get it, because you had to be between the ages of 6 mos - 24 yrs of age. my clinic is getting them for just the employees in Nov. so I will get mine then! Anyways....I have been around it a lot ans swabbbed a lot of people with positive results.
I encourage go and get your kids vaccinated for it. It will really help and if you get it, you will become deathly ill for many days and you feel like you are going to die. It's wicked when you get it, trust me! I have been around too many people that have it, and it's not fun to get. Right now, the majority or kids that are getting it are Jr. High and High School age kids, then they pass it on their younger and sis. Grade school is still getting it, but I have seen a lot more in those 2 age groups getting sick! But I tell you, as soon as you start getting a fever and chills, please take your did in and get them treated. If you have symptoms for more than 24 hrs....there is not a whole lot that the Dr.s can do for you and the Tamiful...will not help out more than 24 hrs after your symptoms occur! Just FY!
So go and get your kids Vaccinated. There is nothing wrong with Vaccinations. They cannot hurt your child!
Good luck in this flu season and always remember to wash your hands and keep them out of your face! and KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME IF THEY ARE SICK WITH ANYTHING!!!! We don't want GERMS spread!


Heidi said...

So are you bringing your kids to church tomorrow? Did you know if they get the mist they are contagious for 7 days?

Adrianne said...

anyone reading this post....I talked with a Pediatrician...and if you get the H1N1 are not contagious! Even though it is a live are still not contagious! Good luck with everyone out there!