Sunday, August 23, 2009

Temple Pictures

The day of the Oquirrah Temple Dedication, since Tony was up Hunting, I decided to take my little ones up to the Bntfl. Temple to take some pictures. I thought it would be a great Sunday Morn. Act. with the kids. Yes it was a rainy day, but we managed not to get too wet! Although, Jaci was being a little peel and did not want to get her picture taken. What can I do.

Here is Blake! He was being very cooperative and a GREAT BIG Brother!

Here is a Picture of Marissa, She also was being cooperative at times! Such a cute girl!

Here is a Kids family Picture. As you can tell, Jaci is my peel girl, and did not want to be miss smiley!

This is one of my favorite Pict. Isn't Blake being a GREAT BIG brother! They are so dang cute!

1 comment:

the laytons. said...

i LOVE all the pictures! Way cute kids