So I wasn't a very good mom this year when school started. I forgot the first couple of day's, so the next week, I took a Picture of marissa and Blake did not want his Pict. taken. They have both done really well and enjoy school. For Sept. and October, the kids stayed at Farmington Elem., than when we sold our home and actually moved up to my parent's home, Tony didn't want me driving back and forth all day long so we decided to move the kids to Sam Morgan Elem. (which they ride the bus)! They have done well with the move and changing of school. I as a mom, was more fearful for them, but they day kids are resilient and make change well. My kids have done really well. Blake is in the same class as his cousin which makes it really nice and an easy transition. Marissa's kindergarten teacher is wonderful and to come to find out, she was in our Stake in Farmington. It has been good so far, a little stressful for me, but we are still looking for a home and have walked through quite a bit! We will let you all know where we end up one of these day's!
The bus did have a mis-happen the 1st week of school. Marissa is the only one to be dropped off at her stop, so one day they had a sub driver, I guess her name was not on the route, so the bus just went on by and did not drop her off. Me as a mom 15 min later not knowing where my child was and if she was ok and if she did get on the bis to come home, I was freaking out. In the back of my mind I knew something like this would happen sooner or later and sure enough, it did. marissa was fine with the whole thing. I was upset. It almost made me want to put them back in their old school.
We are good now and the kids are having fun. Not too many kids for them to play with up here. They get bored really fast, but it is nice to be living with Grandma and Grandpa and living next to my grandma and Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle!!