I was born into the "Law Family". Growing up, everyone use to joke..."so is your dad a cop?" "as a matter of fact....he is"! Law is a pretty pronounce name, it was changed from Honks a while down the generation...thank goodness for that. My Grandpa Law......what a profound, great man he was. He was fun, good wisdom, loveable, honorable. He did a lot of good in his life. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's about so long ago. Just within this last year he has gotten a whole lost worse and has deteriorated a lot. He recently died a week ago Sunday (the 5th) to be exact. He was in an Assisted living home since September and for the last couple months, family members would take turns going up there to feed him either Lunch or Dinner. At first he did really well, but by the end.....it was very little or nothing at all. It was sad to watch him get worse each time and to hear of his bad day's. He did not know who you were when you went up to see him. Each time I would go up I would kiss him on the forehead and tell him I love him! The last "real" conversation that I had with him....if you can call it a conversation...was when Tony went up with me and my grandpa was talking about putting in a shelf in his closet and he needed all these tools to help him and he was asking Tony what he would do and asked him to bring him his tools. It was nice, but ever since that day, he had gotten worse. I remember the times that my grandpa would set up Obstacle Courses for us in his backyard when we had Family Parties, or take us for rides on the Horses, or we would play Shanghai or Knock on the Table on Sunday's. He would always tickle us and we would play, Stick as a board and fall into his arms. (scary moment)! He always had a testimony and he was such a good man! He will be missed and I know that his family will be blessed in so many ways. It was a good funeral. All my cousins were there. It was nice to see everyone. One thing I will never forget is that, I was the 1st. grandchild to get married on that side of the family (aka: oldest granddaughter) and my grandfather was able to Seal Tony and I in the Bountiful Temple for Time and ALL Eternity! I will never forget that day! It was so nice. We are a loving family who came from a very profound family of law's! Love you grandpa!!!