Happy Birthday to Jaci!! She is now 3 yrs. old. Time flys by so fast, I can remember holding her in the hospital. I was to go in the morning of the 29th and be induced. Earlier that morning around 4:00 Am, I started having contractions 15 min apart. they were strong and I was trying not to wake Tony. I got up and took a shower to see if they would go away. They didn't so Tony got up and I called my sister to come down and watch my other 2 kids. By the time my sister got to my house I was in pain and the contractions were hurting way bad and my sister was making fun of me! We get to the Hospital. Tony get's me checked in while I head upstairs to Labor and Delivery. By the time I get ready and the nurse checks me, I am dilated to an 8 and they are hurting bad that I get an epidural and then about 10 min later, I have Jaci. She was cute and 6# 10oz. I held her for just a min, then had to give her back to my mom because my stomach was hurting sooo much. (I think from pushing). I only pushed for a couple of min. If I ever go through this again.......I would much rather go myself than getting started. It goes by much faster!!
Jaci is now our sweet little girl with an attitude! She is a picky eater, but we love her! You tell her something and she say's, "Alright then", or "Otay". She loves to play ponies, and Zhu Zhu pets! She is a good sleeper and pretty good at going potty. We love you Jaci!! We had 2 parties for Jaci. On Sunday before her Birthday, we got together with Tony's Family and Celebrated Jaci's, Heidi and Kyle's Birthday! Thanks Heidi for getting the Cake!! Jaci got some fun stuff!! The day before her birthday, we celebrated Jaci's birthday with my family, since I had to work on her Birthday and so did my parents. She also go spoiled! All she wanted to do was open each present as fast as she could. She really didn't care what she had gotten! Thanks Chae for helping her!!
We love you Jaci and are so glad you are in our Family!!! She brings such joy to us!!