Here are just a few websites/blogs that have way too cute of things on them!
This one here is one that my neighbor just started. She is very talented and has 3 cute, adorable boys!
This one is in My sister who lives in NY, makes some fun things and sells them on etsy. She is also very crafty and enjoys crafty stuff that keep her busy since she is away from family. (sugarplummommy)
This blog, is one by my adorable cousin. She designs announcements, cards, anything. She is very talented and has very cute designs.
This blog, is by my Sister N Law who lives in Penns. She is AMAZING at taking Pictures and she edits them so wonderfully well. She has worked at many different Photography Places and has learned so much and has taken classes to help her edit better! or
**Check out these websites if you are interested!! They are fun and quite AMAZING people!! Enjoy and have a WONDERFUL Christmas Season!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tell me what YOU think......
So I was talking to a gal that I work with one night while I was working. we were talking about kids and how we want to keep them safe from all these things going on in this world. Now this gal is quite older than me and could easily be my grandma......she is not Mormon at all, but she is a very nice lady. Anyway.....we talk to our kids about How harmful Drugs are and not to have sex and to buckle up while in the car and not Drink and Drive......but what if your child wants to do one of these things? Will you still love them? Will you kick them out? Will you dis own them...? What would you do? I sat there thinking for a min...and the gal told me: What if we just be more strict on on Children and tell them to be safe if they want to do one of these things. I will still LOVE YOU, but I want you to RETURN home in SAFETY. I care too much for my kids and I don't want them to do wrong and bad things, but if they choose to, I would like to know about it and would want them to come home safely and be called up to have someone tell me that my child is dead because of something. If they want to have sex, use a condom. If they want to drink....sure but they will be in trouble, but call someone to come and get you instead of driving yourself. I would much rather have my child tell me what they are doing and want to do instead of having them dead somewhere that I don't know about.
I want to be a parent where my kids can come and talk to me anytime. and they can tell me anything and not feel embarrassed or dumb. I want to know about my child's life. But I also want them to understand the consequences about their decision. If they choose to do something wrong, I want to to know it and hopefully they can change their lives and live life to the fullest instead of being dead somewhere!! I love my children way toooo much to have them die. They are mine and I will always love them no matter what!!
Let me know what you think as a parent and what is important to you!!!
I want to be a parent where my kids can come and talk to me anytime. and they can tell me anything and not feel embarrassed or dumb. I want to know about my child's life. But I also want them to understand the consequences about their decision. If they choose to do something wrong, I want to to know it and hopefully they can change their lives and live life to the fullest instead of being dead somewhere!! I love my children way toooo much to have them die. They are mine and I will always love them no matter what!!
Let me know what you think as a parent and what is important to you!!!
So I have not gotten my CPR renewed for a while and I needed to, but I just didn't want to do it myself. My little sister became a Home Health Nurse and needed to get hers, so we decided do find a class and do it together. Well, we found one up at McKay and we finally took one and only took us 2 hrs. But can I say......We PASSED!!! My sister didn't miss any, but I for one missed 1. It was kinda a tricky question.....(ones that I don't like). But it was good and now it is over!!! 2 more years and I will have to renew it again!!!
Tis the Season to be sick........Fala la la la!!!!
Yes, we have had our fair share of being sick in this household. Not all of us have been sick, but the ones who were sick......were sick, I tell you!!! It first started with Marissa who got sick and vomitted all over me and the floor at our Annual Ward Christmas Party. This year she was an Angel along with Tony and Blake who were Shepard's. At least she got to play her part and eat a little, but before we got to leave.....she did her duty. All night that night she vomitted for 6 hrs every 1/2 hr till 3:30 in the morning. It's hard to get a 4 yr. old to vomit in a bucket. I felt bad for her. It's hard watching your little ones get sick. The next day we stayed home from church and rested. Monday Night......I got deathly ill that I thought that I was going to DIE! I had the same thing Marissa had but only worse. It was bad and I sooooo wanted a shot at midnight to take away all the pain. I am at my worse and whine like a little girl when I am deathly sick. I HATE IT!!
On a good note, Blake, Tony and Jaci never got it. Blake and Tony had a tummy ache for a couple of days, but Jaci....never got anything. Cross our fingers that we stay healthy! no one has even gotten a cold or cough. Ya for Flu shots!!!!
Christmas Time is coming and it is just around the corner. Can't believe it is almost here. Time sure flys by. Pretty soon before I know it, my kids will all be grown up and I will miss having them around. I do love my kids and they are pretty well behaved. They are very loving and want to do what is right!!!
Hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
On a good note, Blake, Tony and Jaci never got it. Blake and Tony had a tummy ache for a couple of days, but Jaci....never got anything. Cross our fingers that we stay healthy! no one has even gotten a cold or cough. Ya for Flu shots!!!!
Christmas Time is coming and it is just around the corner. Can't believe it is almost here. Time sure flys by. Pretty soon before I know it, my kids will all be grown up and I will miss having them around. I do love my kids and they are pretty well behaved. They are very loving and want to do what is right!!!
Hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Lost Tooth

So I have 2, yes 2 very mischievous GIRLS!!! For one, they like to play with BABY POWDER and shake it out till their room is all dusty with powder. Yes, they did this today right before Tony was to get home. When Jaci came in to see me in the Kitchen, all I wanted to do was laugh because she was covered with powder and was white. I didn't laugh (Out loud) and I made them sit in time out while I cleaned up their room because they would not help me. Luckily there wasn't too much in there this time. (Yes, they have done this before when Tony was home watching them.) Marissa will get into anything and destroy anything that she can and also likes to touch EVERYTHING at the store which makes Jaci want to touch everything. It can be soooo annoying at times. They are 2 girls that can get a long just fine, but can also get mad at one another and make each other cry.
Marissa is doing better at eating. She will at least try a bit of what we are having which is better than before, but now I have a bigger problem.......JACI! She is a lot worse than Marissa ever was. I can't get that child to try anything new. It absolutely drives me crazy. I just hope that one day she will grow out of it and try new things. She has fits and cries and has tantrums all the time. I really don't know what to do and I am soo frustrated up to my head!! If any of you have any ideas....please pass them along!!! I love both my girls, but I never imagined this is what it would be like to raise kids. I always told myself that I would NEVER have a Picky eater. Blake eats everything and anything and is such a GREAT Child. When Marissa came along.....She was a challenge. Then when I had Jaci, I thought that she was easy, but as she grew older, the worse it became. Oh well. You can't have PERFECT Children, RIGHT?!
Christmas Tree
Yes we put up our Christmas Tree BEFORE Thanksgiving. We put it up on Tuesday and Thanksgiving was on Thursday. The kids really enjoyed helping and putting their own ornaments on. Yes, they have a couple that are THEIRS! Tony also helped me by putting the lights on for me! (that part I hate doing!). Here are some pictures of us!
This year, we had Thanksgiving with the "Green Side". We had it up at my grandma's church and most of everyone was there except for 2 of my siblings, and 2 cousins with their families. We pretty much had a full house. We had tons of food as normal. And lots and lots of Yummy Pies. Adults played Basketball, and games and the kids played on the stage and made up games and plays for themselves. We almost had a tragic event happen to my youngest child, but THANKS to my QUICK reflexes uncle for putting out his arm and leg into catching my child going down head first from the stage. What a blessing in disguise it was. She could have seriously been injured and we could have spent our Thanksgiving at Primary Children's!
Later that afternoon we headed over to Tony's parents house to have pie and to play games. One of our favorite is "Catch Phrase"!It you have not played it....DO! It's a way fun game, especially when you are playing with me at times and you make a complete fool out of yourself like I do all the Time~! My family loves playing with me!! Sorry I don't have any pictures. I forgot my camera and I was totally bummed.
That next morning at 1:30 AM, My 2 sisters and I headed up to Park City to do some Shopping. We just go for the outing. It was cold....but it was fun! We all got a couple of things and headed back home about 4:40 and got home about 5:20 AM. To tell you the truth, we really weren't all that tired, but that afternoon....when i went to work, i was way tired. It was good that we had a steady pace of patients or I would have died and went to sleep.
Hope you all had a FANTASTIC THANKSGIVING!!! For those who could not have joined us, we missed you greatly!!
Snow Storm
So this last Sunday, it snowed all night and all day. Being we have 9:00 AM church, as soon as we got done and out the door of church, the kids ask if they can go play in the snow when we get home. Blake and Marissa played for a long time while Tony did the driveway. This is actually the first year Marissa has really enjoyed it. They had tons of fun. Blake has always been an outside person. Weather it is snowing, raining, whatever.....he is outside till it is dark playing football, soccer, biking. He loves playing with our neighbor who is 6-8 years older than he!!! He is very nice to play with Blake. It's like having a Bi Brother relationship!. Here are the kids in the snow!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Halloween 2010
Happy Halloween to everyone. Hope you are all safe and have fun Trick or Treating. Today, was the Farmington Elem. School Halloween Parade. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up as something. There were witches, super heros, Little Bo Peep (my fav.), princesses, fairies, babies, all sorts of costumes. They were all unique and different and fun to see. last year when Blake was in Kindergarten, he was sick for his Halloween Parade so he couldn't go, so this year was fun! here is a Picture of him and his friend!
for Pre-School that we do with Marissa, we went to Pack's Pumpkin Patch. This year was a little chilly. It has gotten cold fast. We had NO Fall. Here are some pict. of that!
Jr. jazz
Blake is Playing Jr. jazz and is loving every minute of it! He's not so aggressive out on the floor. He has shot the ball a couple of times, but has missed. he does pretty well dribbling. I only get to go to the games when they have them at 8:00 PM. because I work on Wed. and that is when they have the games. Wednesday's game......was funny and a little irritating to watch. The coach from the other team but was really calling anything and just letting the boys do pretty much anything. it was more like a Rugby game than anything. it's amazing how many boys will just run with the ball. It's a learning experience i suppose. Blake enjoys it and it is good for him!! here are some pictures that I took from the other night!
happy Birthday to Tony, Happy Birhtday to Tony....
Happy Birthday to my wonderful Husband. We have been married for almost 9 years. He is a Great Dad to our 3 kids and a wonderful Husband who works hard, reliable, trustworthy, responsible, and fun to be around. He turned 31 on Tues the 26th. I surprised him by going down to his work and taking him to lunch. That evening we got Little Caesars and ate Pizza then took our kids to get Pumpkins. It was a fun night. The day before, my mom made dinner for us and we ate dinner for my hubby's Birthday up at my moms and had Brownie all a mode. It was FANTASTIC and YUMMY!! Thanks Family for doing that~ We appreciate it!
Happy Birthday Babe, I love you!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hill Air Force Base Museum!
Marissa is in Preschool this year. There are 3 boys and 3 girls. We are just doing it with moms in our neighborhood! For the month of September, we went to Hill Air Force Base Museum! I think they all liked the dirt and rocks more than the cool. big airplanes. Inside one of the Buildings, they have a hands on stuff for the kids to do and play with! They all loved it!! Thanks Preschool for coming!
My baby turns 3!!
Happy Birthday to Jaci!! She is now 3 yrs. old. Time flys by so fast, I can remember holding her in the hospital. I was to go in the morning of the 29th and be induced. Earlier that morning around 4:00 Am, I started having contractions 15 min apart. they were strong and I was trying not to wake Tony. I got up and took a shower to see if they would go away. They didn't so Tony got up and I called my sister to come down and watch my other 2 kids. By the time my sister got to my house I was in pain and the contractions were hurting way bad and my sister was making fun of me! We get to the Hospital. Tony get's me checked in while I head upstairs to Labor and Delivery. By the time I get ready and the nurse checks me, I am dilated to an 8 and they are hurting bad that I get an epidural and then about 10 min later, I have Jaci. She was cute and 6# 10oz. I held her for just a min, then had to give her back to my mom because my stomach was hurting sooo much. (I think from pushing). I only pushed for a couple of min. If I ever go through this again.......I would much rather go myself than getting started. It goes by much faster!!
Jaci is now our sweet little girl with an attitude! She is a picky eater, but we love her! You tell her something and she say's, "Alright then", or "Otay". She loves to play ponies, and Zhu Zhu pets! She is a good sleeper and pretty good at going potty. We love you Jaci!! We had 2 parties for Jaci. On Sunday before her Birthday, we got together with Tony's Family and Celebrated Jaci's, Heidi and Kyle's Birthday! Thanks Heidi for getting the Cake!! Jaci got some fun stuff!! The day before her birthday, we celebrated Jaci's birthday with my family, since I had to work on her Birthday and so did my parents. She also go spoiled! All she wanted to do was open each present as fast as she could. She really didn't care what she had gotten! Thanks Chae for helping her!!
We love you Jaci and are so glad you are in our Family!!! She brings such joy to us!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Spray Tan
There is one more thing that I enjoy.....that is being Spray tanned!! There is something to say about being tan that makes you feel beautiful and sexy!! I love it and looks natural and it is so much better for you than going to a tanning bed!! SO if you ever want one or try one, I can hook you up! My wonderful Neighbor does them and she does an AWESOME job!! I am going to try to hold a Spray Tan Party at my house sometime in the next month, so if you are interested.....let me know and I can get a hold of you when I do have the Party!!
Thanks again! I love it!!
Thanks again! I love it!!
3 Things that I love:
There are 3 things that I love and would like to share them with you and hope that you enjoy them also! My sister has a shop on etsy and is selling these cute things that make GREAT gifts. She also has other stuff on the site! Check her out! or
This is my sister n law's business. She takes AWESOME Photos and is very talented. Her style is unique. Check out her sites! This is who we are having make up our Christmas Cards this year! My cousin owns this site and is very talented with her work. Check her site out!

This is my sister n law's business. She takes AWESOME Photos and is very talented. Her style is unique. Check out her sites!

Antelope Island
Last Sunday, Our kids were getting over colds and starting colds so we decided to stay home and not get anyone sick at church and went on a little Family outing! We decided to enjoy God's Nature that he gave us and enjoy some animals that we don't see everyday. We took a ride and went to Antelope Island. The kids had a fun time seeing the antelope and Bison. There is also a little ranch with houses that you can tour with a Big Barn. It was fun to see and take Pictures. Here are some pictures of our adventure!
Tony's Cow!
So here is a Picture of Tony's Cow that he shot while up Elk Hunting! he was Pretty excited when he shot it and he and my uncle Evan dragged it out! When he got home, he took the cow straight to a meat place to have it processed. I tell you......we are going to have lots of meat around here and steaks! I am pretty excited for that! My hubby loves elk hunting, deer hunting and shooting anything and everything that he can!! Good job babe!!
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