Jaci is being a little devil for Halloween. She is such a cutie, but sure can make a mess. Here is she eating an oreo and having fun with it and definately making a mess with it!! She sure enjoyed it, though!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jaci, the mess!
Jaci is being a little devil for Halloween. She is such a cutie, but sure can make a mess. Here is she eating an oreo and having fun with it and definately making a mess with it!! She sure enjoyed it, though!
Happy Halloween!
We went to Tony's work today and did a little tirck-or-treating around to all the cubicles!! My kids had fun!! They got lots of candy and were excited!! Here are some pictures to show!!
Also, Tony went back to the orthopedic surgeon and he said that everything was looking great and that he doesn't have to use his crutches anymore which is nice since he has been on them for 14 weeks total. He is still limping around on that foot and it is still sore but the dr. also said that he cannot do any physical exercise on that foot for at least 6 mos. He wants it totally healed and all good before he starts running or doing anything on it. He can ride a bike, but that is about all the exercise that he can do on it, which is a bummer right now, but what can you do! Here are some pictures of what his foot looks like now, healed. He never needed a skin graft, which was nice. It looks great and is healing great!! I am glad that he is with us and can share this experience!!!
Happy Halloween to all of you out there!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Blake's Pre-School Halloween Parade!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The "Never Ending Story of my Tree"!
This is what happens in the fall when you have a big tree that has lots of leaves on it!! You get to rake the leaves everyday and when you are done raking it looks like you haven't done anything because all the other leaves fall and then you have to start all over again! Or you have a 2 yr old girl who likes to go behind you and rake all by herself and moves all the leaves so they are not in a pile anymore!! This is the story of my life in the fall!! I never get caught up on all these leaves that fall!! Today and yesterday have been pretty warm here in Utah. As you can tell, my child is without any pants and my son came in the house wanting to take his shirt off because he was very HOT!! Today is suppose to be 70 and so is the next day but this weekend we are suppose to drop in the 50's and be very cold!! It really has been nice weather and we are trying to take advantage of it while it lasts so we will be going to the park tomorrow!! Here are some pictures of my kids helping me rake and Blake trying to catch "ants" because he wants them as a pet!! He is a funny boy!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Here are some pictures that go with my previous post. Tony's Birthday and our Halloween Party at the Jacobsen's. The kids really had so much fun. We dressed Blake up but I was in too big of a rush to dress my girls up, but Marissa is going to be a lamb and Jaci is going to be our little Devil!! Happy Halloween to all of you out there who read our Blog!
Happy Birthday Tony!!
It was Tony's Birthday this last Sunday and we got to celebrate it with everyone in his family on Sunday. We had a Big Halloween Party for all the little kids and we had a German Choc. Cake (that his mom made for him from scratch) and had such a fun time on Sunday that we wore all the kids out and our kids were tired by the time we got home they all fell asleep in the car. Tony took off Friday and Monday so he could have a long weekend to relax and he didn't even have overtime to do which was nice. We went shoe shopping for him Christmas shopping for the kids out to lunch on Monday to Red Robin and to Texas Road House on Saturday for his birthday. It was fun to spend some time together and with our kids. They really enjoyed their dad home and playing with them. We even took the kids to "the Castle Park" one day since it was sooo warm. Happy Birthday Tony!! We love you!! Love your WIffie!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
a new re-modle for the Jacobsen Home
So, we are just going to do a few things here and there to our home to make it more livable and more warm and welcome. We have been in our home for 5 1'2 yrs. and have not done a whole lot, except for tile and paint when we moved in. Just in the last couple of weeks we have put new carpet in, (well new to us, thanks to Tony's parents) and I have painted our railing and downstairs wall. We put the carpet in our living room, down the stairs and in the girls room. Just yesterday I painted our railing black (to put in a new oak one or rod iron one, it would have cost around $1500.00). It's much cheaper to just paint and surprisingly, it's looks okay! I also painted our downstairs family room just one wall to make it feel a little warmer down there and more personal. In the future to come we are going to put in a new counter top in our kitchen and I am going to paint the back wall red and we are going to re-do our bedroom to make it more romantic how I want it and re-do our bathroom!! Here are some pictures that I have taken!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Pumpkin Patch
So today I took my kids to Pack's Pumpkin Patch here in Farmington. They had a fun time. We took some pictures and they ran around in the "little kid maze" that they had and then we took some other pictures of the kids. Tony could no go with us due to his foot and getting around, so I took the kids by myself and we had an enjoyable afternoon. Although, Jaci did not like riding in the barrel where you put the pumpkins. She was having a fit!! So enjoy these pictures. Later that night, the kids decorated their pumpkins with paint, but we still have 2 more that Tony is going to carve for us for Halloween!! It is getting cooler here, but today, we about 70 and the rest of the week is suppose to get in the mid 60's. We hope you all enjoy the Halloween Season of October! I know my kids and I will!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tony is progressing!
So, Tony went to another Dr.'s appt to see the orthopedic surgeon on Wed. the 15th. He did pull his pin out and yes my husband kept it (GROSS!!!!). He said it all looks good and everything is healing great. He does not have a walking boot or cast of any sort. He is still on crutches and still has it slightly wrapped to keep infection out. He can now get it wet and clean off his foot with all the dry peely skin on it (GROSS!!). The Dr. said to start putting a little weight on it, but not all of his weight. He has another Dr.'s appt the end of the month to look at it again, so we will go from there and see what else we can do!! It has been a long 10 weeks and still a little more to come, but hopefully we are on the upside of it and he can start walking on it soon and get rid of the crutches! They need to burn!!!
We are all doing great! Jaci is starting to walk more and be more mobile around the house and Blake and Marissa just like to play and be little mommies to Jaci and help here! It is fun to watch them grow and say funny things!
How do you do on groceries for the month?
So I want to know of a family 5, if I spend about $300.00 on groceries for the month, do you think that is good or is that going over board? I do have 2 girls in diapers, but they are the same size and I have 2 girls that still drink whole milk. SO we do go through a lot of milk and diapers at our home, but once Marissa is potty trained, hopefully that will slow things down a bit. All those that would like to leave a comment about groceries, you may do so. Groceries do seem to have gone up a bit, but I do get all my milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and such at Smith's because it can be cheaper and there are a lot of other things that you can get at Walmart that are a whole let cheaper there than anywhere else, you just have to watch your ads!! Thanks!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
'Tis the Season to be Sick!
So it all stared out when Blake got pink eye a couple of weeks ago, but it soon went away after a round of antibiotics. Hooray for that! Then Jaci started with a cold and getting her top tooth in and her eyes were goopy for 2 days, oh I thought that this was never going to end. Well the rest of my kids are all good now and so is my husband (for now. I was for sure that Marissa would get sick, but lo and behold, that child never gets sick and is healthier than the rest of us. Who knows my I worry about her for being so small. You would think she would be sick all the time, but she is very healthy and doesn't have a cold at all. Well now here I am going on 4 days now with a cold in a half and I am going crazy. It all started out with a sore throat, then it moved into my nose so now my nose is all stuffy and my eyes hurt now and when I swallow the inside of my ears hurt and my sinuses hurt like nothing else. I finally went to the Dr. today and I know him well, since I worked with him for 4 years, to load me up on some meds because I have 3 kids to take care of plus a husband who is on crutches and I can't deal with this anymore and I need to get better!! He put me on some meds and hopefully I will start feeling better by Sunday, if not Monday! I can't cope anymore being sick and congested all the time. It is quite annoying. Now that I am sick, Jaci has been a little congested with ear drainage (thank goodness for tubes or we would be taking her to Wee Care at 2:00 AM), but my mom has been sick and my sister and my mother n law. It is going around so watch out for it. It all started about 2 weeks ago that Dr.'s were seeing this, but now they are seeing more of it. So, 'Tis the season to be SICK!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
My baby is 1!!!

I can't believe how fast 1 yr. goes by. Just barely I think of having Jaci in the hospital and how painful the contractions were. I had contractions starting at about 4:00 am and they were every 15 min apart. They were bad but I could stand them. By 5:00 I got up and took a shower and woke my husband up and called my little sister to come to my house now! As I was going to the hospital I was still having contractions and they were getting worse. By this time I thought to myself, If I am dilated to a 8-9 just maybe I could do it natural. By the time I got to the hospital I was going up to labor and delivery and as I got off the elevator I curled up into a ball between post-postpartum and Labor and Delivery and about cried because the contraction hurt so much. About 1 1/2 hours later from arriving to the hospital, Jaci was born. What a great moment to have and to see her. She is such an adorable little girl, who looks just like her mom and loves to cuddle and play with her older siblings. She is such a joy to have in our family and to watch her grow up so fast. Time fly's by so we must cherish every moment that we have with our little ones because one day they will leave us and have a family of their own!! We love you Jaci girl! Jaci's birthday was on Sept. 29th.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thanks to my cousin....
Thanks to my cousin Lindz for doing my blog for me....once again. Now it looks cute like everyone elses.!!

So the other day (about a week ago) I was having a bad day/bad week and I was very temperamental and annoyed and irritated, so after I had just gotten back from the store by doorbell rang and it took me a min to get it, but after opening it, there were flowers on my doorstep to my surprise. Now, who would give ME flowers? They are very beautiful and it was very thoughtful for the person who gave them to me....or maybe the person got the wrong home?! who knows! I asked everyone I could have imagined who would give them to me and know one would confess, so I want to thank whoever gave them to me, because it made me happy and they were lovely! Also thanks for the note because it is very true and very nice!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
3rd time a charm!!
Yes, this is my 3rd blog. Hopefully this time it will be a charm and I WON'T DELETE it again. I have had some bad times in the past with my blog, so hopefully this will work and will be kept for many times to come. So please bear with me as I try to get something cute on my blog and make it all cutesy like the rest of my families!!! I am just trying to figure it all out since I am so computer illiterate. So, sorry for the weird page that has messed up colors. Thanks again for my family for helping me with my blog at many times.
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